5 Smart Ways to Ease the Trauma of Change for Your Employees

Those of us in the change management consulting business typically begin our work by acknowledging how difficult change can be and how employee resistance is to be expected. But we don’t always explain how leaders can help ease the pain.

Here is what you can do:

  1. Communicate regularly and share all you know about the change, all that you do not know yet, and how it will affect the business and the work force. Acknowledge that any change involves some uncertainty. Your openness will reassure employees that you are on top of the situation.
  2. Recognize even the small efforts of individuals to positively effect change. Explicitly encourage and reward the behavior you seek.
  3. Involve the key stakeholders in decision-making as the process moves forward. With a sense of empowerment, they will feel more in control and be more supportive of the change initiative.  You will also be more likely to head off resistance to change and bad decisions before they derail your plans.
  4. Work to maintain relationships and continue to meet regularly with your key stakeholders. Change can cause divisions if you don’t pay attention.  Spend the time to create a rhythm of cohesiveness and cooperation.
  5. Treat everyone fairly and transparently…not necessarily the same but with an even hand. 

Learn more at: http://www.lsaglobal.com/change-management/