Components of Successful Organizational Change

Research data shows that successful organizational change efforts share these three bets practice elements:

  1. Clarity: A clear and effective business and financial strategy that is understood by employees and believed to be up to the challenges faced by the company.

  2. Leadership: Strong, unambiguous leadership that provides constant direction and support to move toward objectives and away from failure and uncertainty.

  3. Followers: Engaged, committed, and motivated employees ready to embrace the challenges ahead.

But employees commit to real situations and real work teams, led by real managers – not to best practices.

So, managing and leading with compassion for the personal issues related to change becomes all-important.

The bottom line is: Your role in leading with sensitivity toward the personal side of change is the key variable in evoking and sustaining motivation and commitment when a work group is going through change and reorganization.

When employees "get" the message through your communication that the change is upon them, they’ll move through the process more quickly and adapt more readily. And when the team recognizes that you’re paying attention to them, listening to them and inviting them to participate, they’ll get on board and commit to the change.