How to “Fill in the Blanks” When Communicating Change

The world of business is constantly changing, and yet organizational change becomes no easier for those who must implement or live it.

Experts in change management training and consulting all agree in the importance of communicating change effectively – especially when it comes to filling in the blanks. Leaders need to have a vision of the results of change and communicate that clear and compelling vision of a better future to all stakeholders.

But that is just the first step. Employees will often resist and fear the change because it challenges the status quo…their comfort zone. They will have questions. And, if leaders do not answer the questions, employees will fill in the blanks.  Unfortunately, those “blanks” typically get filled with incorrect and often inflammatory information that negatively impacts your organizational change efforts.

The second most important step in the communication, then, for management is to stay in front of and available to employees…to answer questions openly and honestly and to repeat the vision over and over until it is well understood and accepted as what will be the new and better reality.

Communicate the vision, answer the questions, and repeat the message so that you as corporate leader, not your followers, fill in the blanks correctly.